W7E02 | Combinations and constraints 5
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Hi, this is Scripted Design.
And this is freewrite time. Your prompt today is: doing. Five minutes of free-writing, with the prompt doing, starting now.
[5 minutes]
Today’s exercise is going to be a slightly longer one. You are going to be making a film based on two sets of constraints that someone else has created, as well as a theme that is chosen at random. These constraints come from students on the Scripted Design course at MIVC. If you go to the Scripted Design website for this episode, you’ll find a bit at the top which gives you two sets of instructions, so you’ll have six constraints to follow in making a film, plus one subject to make the film about. You can drop the subject if you like, but you have to follow the instructions. You’ll end up with something that is a weird mash-up of the things that people on this course are interested in. You don’t have to make the film about the subjects, but you do have to make it using the constraints around those subjects.
This is the last long exercise of the week – tomorrow’s exercise is back to being completely contained in the podcast. So enjoy this one, I hope you create something that’s strange and beautiful and that you have fun making. There’s a link to upload your film on the course website. I am excited to see what you make.
Good luck!
Your first subject is:
Formal constraint:
Methodological constraint:
Conceptual constraint:
different lights
Your second subject is:
a fight
Formal constraint:
make it sad
Methodological constraint:
edit it chaotically
Conceptual constraint:
make it end well, say sorry